John Ashcroft
Videotape Proves Bush White House-Trained First Puppy on U.S. Constitution
Washington, D.C., January 21, 2009 -- A videotape discovered in a secret compartment of former president George W. Bush's Oval Office desk has revealed that the United States Constitution, missing since early 2001, was used by President Bush to "White House-train" first dog Barney.
White House First Dog Barney reclining on soiled U.S. Constitution, Oval Office: Video still
The videotape was found by White House transition staff during the traditional clearing-out of the ex-president's effects.
Former President George W. Bush Born Again, Again
Marshmallow, TX, Sept. 17, 2009 -- A spokesman for former President George W. Bush announced today the retired politician and oil industry lobbyist has enjoyed a new spiritual rebirth. This makes for Bush's fourth rebirth since his withdrawal from public life, and his fifth overall, giving him a two-rebirth lead over former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
"He's quite pleased with this particular spiritual reawakening," said the spokesman. "This one, the President assures me, is going to stick."
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